Condolence Book
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Its been 3 years and your still in all our hearts and thoughts. Hope your ok mate!!
— Tom, 24th November 2007 at 11:12am
Remembering Nick on the third anniversary. With love and compassion to your family who miss you so much. I will hold you all in my thoughts tomorrow.
— Yvonne, 23rd November 2007 at 4:52pm
To Nick's Mom ~ in looking up a pianist by the name of Nick Moore I came across this site...and I wanted to see all the photos of your son and only child is almost 20 and every night I am grateful that he is healthy....and my heart is with you...I looked at those pictures and ....somehow I wanted you to know that I am holding you in my heart today....
— Jane Bakken, 1st November 2007 at 6:17pm
Came across this page by googling the name of my best mate Nick Moore who died sadly alone in May 2000 aged 49. I miss him loads and understand your pain. Keep thinking of the good times it helps...Steve.
— Steve Mugleston, 8th September 2007 at 10:48pm
It's 20 years today since you were born. You're in our hearts and our thoughts on this special day Nicho.
With much love
Papa et Maman ♥♥♥
— Mum And Dad, 11th August 2007 at 9:52pm
Hi Amelie. I want to say that I'm terribly sorry for your loss and believe me when I say I can completely relate to you! I lost my cousin - who passed at the age of 13 and we were extremely close! And I lost my brother as well. Whom (strangely) passed away the SAME DAY AND YEAR as your brother (Nov 24 04)!
I wish you the best and know that he is watching over you. It's sad when we lose a loved one ... especially someone so close!
Stay strong!
With love - "Lellow"
— Lellow, 19th July 2007 at 8:49am
I'm so sorry...I recently lost a friend and I know what it is like. There is a sad poem about a drunk driver killing someones friend. I know what you are going through. Just think he is in a better place now but I know you wish he was back here. My friend died in a fire but I know either way I would do anything to have her back...Once again I am so sorry and I know what you are going throught...a very good poem is called Okay and it is by Jesica Wettig I love it and its sad but if you want to read it just google it...thanks
With Love
— Brittany, 25th June 2007 at 6:44am
I too came across your site googling my own name (Nick Moore). My condolonces to you all on this tragic loss.
Best wishes
— Nick Moore, 5th June 2007 at 11:58am
Hi nick yet again some one has being taking from theale green happened to be someone my little brother knew bought anything back again. look after him for everyone we know u will. i hope u are doing ok and i'm missing u as much as i need when we lost u. Im turn 20 in 3 days and again it wouldnt be the same without. You would have love uni nick its ur scene u would have enjoyed it as much as i am.
take care honey
missing u so much
— Michelle Stevens, 16th May 2007 at 8:57pm
Hey mate.
Hope your doing ok.
Yet another person has been taken from Theale tragically hit by a car off his moped. Look after him for us mate.
Its so tragic and brings up things again.
I think when people found out at sava today they thought of you even tho nobody said anything its pretty obvious I know I was.
Play safe mate
— Alex Beglin, 13th May 2007 at 10:57pm
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