Condolence Book
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So nice to see a new message on the site. Would like to take the opportunity to do what we had meant to do for some time, and that's to thank everyone, from Nick's close friends to strangers who happen to visit the site, for all the messages you kindly leave for Nick and for us. Your thoughts keep us going.
Thinking of you all, and missing Nicholas so much still.
Many thanks,
Annie and Maurice Moore
— Nick's Mum And Dad, 21st October 2006 at 12:58pm
Well to begin...Im not sure how I navigated to this site, but for a reason I was brought here! My heart goes out to your family... My thoughts are with you! Always remember... Goodbyes are not Forever!
God Bless!
— Alana, 20th October 2006 at 6:44pm
Hey Nick, i just want to say your still in my thoughts and everyday i think of you and your family and i think about the loss they must feel, i hope they are all well and i know your still looking down on them like the angel that you are x
— Renita, 29th August 2006 at 10:43am
Dear family,
My name's Sarit and I'm from Israel. I got here through Amelie's site, whom I've encountered mostly on web forums the last few months.
I lost my own brother to cancer less than a month ago, and have been haunted with the feeling that I would like to create a website in my brother's memory.
I suddenly discovered this website, and I see how wonderful a website of this type can be for family and friends.
I can see I'm not the only one thinking about my brother everyday.
I hope you never know anymore sorrow.
— Sarit, 27th August 2006 at 9:16am
Hi Nick,
Happy Birthday
I don't really know what to say, just that I still really miss you and wish you could be here today (well, everyday)
I came to see you earlier on my lunch break, and left you a card. Ended up talking to a bloke that was visiting his wife and was nearly late back to work lol :o)
He was telling me about his days in the army, his wife who passed away a couple of years ago and about how life is too short. I think I learnt that lesson the hard way, when we lost you.
I wish more than anything that you were still here and we could go out tonight and celebrate your birthday.
I'm always thinking of you Nick, I'll make sure I have a drink tonight to celebrate your life.
You're forever in my thoughts
All my love
— Rachel, 11th August 2006 at 5:10pm
Thinking of you today and always.
— Amelie, 11th August 2006 at 3:02am
Well its officially your birthday. Happy birthday M8. I am sure that a lot of people are thinking about you today, I'm just one to add to the list.
— Alex Beglin, 11th August 2006 at 12:11am
Again one of those nights that I can't sleep, and somehow I can't stop thinking about things, to me even now its quite strange and not real, I hate to think what your dearest family feel, as nearly 2 years on its still haze. Think of u alot m8. Keep safe.
— Alex Beglin, 4th August 2006 at 3:59am
Sending my thoughts and prayers to Nick's family & friends. We too lost our son in a tragic accident in Sept. of 2004 at the age of 16. May our boys rest in peace, and watch over all of us, as we try to cope with life, without our sons.
I will hold you all close in my heart.
Grief is a healing journey............
— Karen Gosselin, 4th August 2006 at 3:37am
To all the family,
My deepest condolences on both your losses. I have just lost an uncle, so I feel I now know what it's like to loose a close relative. I have known of Amelie for quite a while now, but this is the first time I've gone from to nick's site. Reading "About Nick" was quite a moving experience, he had so much to live for and I think so much to give to the world.
Take care.
— Will, 19th July 2006 at 11:57pm
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