Condolence Book
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Just been in to the Design and Technology exhibition at skool....Its weird seeing your little design actually standing tall outside the history block in all its glory...well done lads for finishing it off....its a marvellous tribute to a marvellous person. Looking fwd to eeing as many people as possible at the Church Yard on 11th August.....miss you loads Nick.....can't help thinking about you...think of your parents and your sister to and how wonderful they have been to all of us to enable us to feel happy at your passing and not sad...this site definately helps me .....
loadsa luv and kisses
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :)
— Michelle, 25th July 2005 at 8:10am
This message is for the family of Nick. I'm a 15-year-old who has recently lost my only brother, a 21-year-old to a road accident, just 2 months ago. I'm so sorry for your loss, and I do understand how you feel.
My brother was to study in a top university in Singapore, just a few months after his death. He was also a promising young man. It was and still is painful.
However, I hope you'll all stay strong. Everything happens for a reason. And thank you for this page. It heartened me greatly.
Take care and God bless.
— Amylia Z, 17th June 2005 at 9:32am
Nicholas's Bench
Thanks, Stephen, for your message below.
We are so proud of what you all did today and yesterday: Nick would have been so pleased!
Thank you so much to Mr Morris and all the team of students and teachers. We are so grateful to you all.
Annie and Maurice
— Maurice and Annie Moore, 5th June 2005 at 5:58am
Nick you are greatly missed by many. People always say that i wish we could turn back time, everybody wishes this every minute of the day.
I used to play badminton with you on a monday lunchtime, it used to be me, you, maffey, chris-lee, tom and Jack. I never actually got to play you one on one, but from what i used to see you were an awesome badminton player. Not only that but you had a big talent at playing football.
Your A2 tech project that you designed has been slightly changed and today we built the main frame, you have a good idea and the 5 of us that built it today all thought about you and how you would be looking down on it and hopw proud you should be of it. Hopefully your A2 project will be finished tomo and you and your family can look at it and be very proud of what you have done.
R.I.P Nick
— Stephen Bliss, 4th June 2005 at 4:54am
My birthday today, and I've been thinking about you all day. I got some awesome presents, but all i wanted was to receive a text from you.
Just wanted to thank you for all the happy times! I've realised today that things will never be the same and even on my 18th, you would think i would be drunk by now and having a good time, but my thoughts have been with you every minute. I wish you could have celebrated your 18th with your friends and family like me.
I miss you so much sweet prince.
Sweet dreams
Rachel x
p.s. I'll have a glass of champagne for you!!!
— Rachel, 29th May 2005 at 5:40am
Dear Theale Green's 6th Formers
This is to wish you good luck for your forthcoming exams and a bright future to you all. We have been thinking of you a lot, lately; in fact, we had sent a good luck card for you to the school, but we gather that it did not get read at assembly as there was so much to talk about.
All the very best to you all.
With our love,
Maurice and Annie Moore
— Maurice and Annie Moore, 22nd May 2005 at 6:40am
Hello im sat here waiting around for rach dont know where shes got to so i hought i'd right u a little message.
we all still miss u so much.
We finished school today for Good lol and i turned 18th yesterday and i know you where there with me last night when i got very drunk lol.
Well rach has just walked in the door she says hi. best go we are of to the
miss u loads nick
sweet dreams
love you
michelle xxxxxxxxxxxx
— Michelle Stevens, 20th May 2005 at 2:13am
Hey Sweetie,
I'm layin in bed and can't sleep as usual, thinkin bout u! Nearly six months now, exams fast approaching! I bet u laughed wen u saw my biology results in march! And smiled wen i passed my drivin test!
I'v bin to ur grave quite a lot lately, decorating it with my nans tulips. (Nicks parents - i hav tried emailing u but i dont think it has worked! thank you for takin care of my letter.)
I really miss you Nick, i could really do with a friend like you at the moment. you were always there for me, and now i feel completely alone with no one to talk to. i can't wait to leave school and start my life, and wish you could join me on my crazy adventure!
Im sorry i never told you how much i loved you. Its been half a year and still the pain hurts so much that sometimes i cant breathe. iv seen you twice recently in my dreams, and i feel happy knowin u stil visit me. Keep it up!
Please give me the strength to do the right thing. i keep messing everything up. i kno what i need to do i just need your help.
i love you gorgeous and wish i cud see you.
sweet dreams
Rachel x x x x
— Rachel, 8th May 2005 at 6:35am
i didnt know him personaly but i knew he was a great sports captain for scott and he was there cheering scott y7 on COME ON YOU DUCKS
he is sadly missed brad stokes 7.S.A
— a year 7, 6th May 2005 at 11:05am
I have to admit I am struggling to know what to write. I first met Nick in the summer of 2003 when he came down to Caversham & Redingensians with Chris. I played regularly with him that summer and became aware of his all round athletic ability.
People who knew him better than I tell me that he was also awonderful footballer, quick strong and skillful.
More than that though, I remember him as a wonderfully bright, intelligent and caring young man who gave everything to whatever he did.
Whenever I hear of death I like to remember the quote below and I hope very much that it is true.
"End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path... One that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all change to silver glass. White shores... and beyond. The far green country under a swift sunrise."
Nick, I hope it is as beautful as it sounds.
— Geyv Kathoke, 5th April 2005 at 11:06am
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