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Dear Nick, I know we didnt really know each other that well Nick, and it was only recently that we met at the Berkshire U18s Trials, but the news has deeply saddened me and the team. We was both the only players left from our schools and we didnt really speak to anyone else except each other. You was a cracking centre forward, and an asset to the team. You will be greatly missed by all the lads and the coaches. Black armbands will be worn on Sunday 12th December, as we play our first game against the Army at the Aldershot Army Stadium. I and the team will be thinking of you always and through out our games.

Rest In Peace

Liam Illsley and the Berkshire U18s Squad

Liam Illsley, 8th December 2004 at 10:58am

It's been over a week and I've only just worked out what to write. The shock will gradually go, it's just the aching pain that is left. Sixth form's not the same without you, but we're pulling together, and unfortunately learning the hard way that 'life is too short'. I know you hated falling out with people, and that you saw the good in everyone, so I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that all of us in Sixth Form are there for each other, and are following your example. It's crazy that it takes something like this to put things into perspective.

You know I miss you, and this summer was the best ever, we had so much fun! That day on the beach was great, and I reckon that hole we all dug in the sand will still be there! Our get - together's at 'The Bull' are priceless, and are some of the funniest times we had together, we were proper little regulars at that pub! My birthday was a great day too. I don't think anyone has ever made me feel as special, as the way you made me feel that day. I loved that necklass and I still do, and I finally understand the true meaning of it - thank you.

I thought people like you were only fictional characters. Surely no-one could be as talented, caring, generous, intelligent, funny, willing, committed and loving as you were, I'd only come across those kind of people in fairy-tales, that was until i met you. Our Knight in shining armour {or possibly a football kit!}

I'm extremely grateful that you were in my life, you meant so much to me and you still do. You'll never be forgotten, and I think we will all strive to be more like you, and embrace life with the enthusiasm you put into everything you did. I just know that if I ever find another boy who treats me half as well as you did, I'll be the luckiest girl on the planet. But it'll be tough to beat you.

Thank you Nick, just for being you!
I'm positive that this is not it, and i'll wait in hope that I'll see you again, and in the mean time when I feel sad, I'll cuddle 'Ted' who still sits on my bed.

Love as always
Hol xxx

Holly, 7th December 2004 at 2:15am

Remember the time when i was working at calcot holiday club (in the summer) and as usual you, adam and chris came down to play football- all on your bikes, and as soon as they saw the three of you kicking about the footbal they were straight over asking you guys if they could ave a game of red hats Vs non hats...... as the game went on they stupidily put me in goal, and then it came - the way you struck the ball so hard, it nearly broke my wrist. And yes you did WIN. Thats the memory which i will always have of you and your footballing ways. R.I.P,
I dont wanna sy goodbye so, see you again

Laura B, 6th December 2004 at 1:25am

I first got to know nick properly when i was invited to the Montfort for his birthday. He loved playing pool and was very good at it too, infact i think he beat everybody that night including me! Since then myself, Nick, Ros & Rob all went out together on a regular basis & soon become very good friends. Nick was the most nicest guy i ever met - he was kind, caring, considerate, cute and a very good listener, you could always rely on him for support. I shall miss him dearly, he will never be forgotten he was so very much loved by all. My heart also goes out to the family during this tragic time.

Sharon Bellman., 5th December 2004 at 1:30am

God bless you Nick. We are all much richer for having known you and much poorer for having lost you.

You can shed tears that he has gone
Or you can smile because he lived
You can close your eyes and pray that he will come back
Or you can open your eyes and see all that he has left

Your heart can be empty because you can't see him
Or you can be full of the love that you shared
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday
Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday

You can remember him and only that he is gone
Or you can cherish his memory and let it live on
You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back
Or you can do what he would want; smile, open your eyes,
Love and go on

A Football Parent, 4th December 2004 at 2:28am

although i ent known nick 4 very long, i stil knew what a kind and caring person he was. i really enjoyed playin footie wit him 2 win the house matches! and will be finkin of him wen i'm playin. will miss ya loadz mate, steve

steve lenk, 4th December 2004 at 2:04am

I have spent a week wondering what I could possibly say.....I have spent almost every hour thinking about your tragic loss and I have read all the comments and memories and have been reduced to (private) tears. So much so that it has taken me this long to follow your closest and dearest friends in print.
I have spent time with your friends over the past week and I am sure you know just how you touched their lives - like no-one I know you had the spirit to live for others and to strive for your own dreams. There is no greater achievement than making people happy and making them smile and no-one could do it like you. The sadness here will never go, but it is being replaced with laughter and jokes - largely at your expense I am afraid! A student told me that there are two types of people in the world - those that didn't know you and those that loved you - I can vouch for that first hand. Everyone's memories are individual, I have mine and they are precious, but you have left behind a family. We have supported each other together and together we will never forget you.
Thank you Nick.

Teacher at Theale Green, 3rd December 2004 at 1:01am

Reading Old Blues FC have dedicated a new trophy in memory of Nick - the Nick Moore Man of the Match Trophy - and this will be presented for the first time after tomorrow's (Saturday 4th December) match at Reading Bluecoat School, Sonning.

The presentation will take place at approximately 4.30pm at Sonning Working Mans' Club, Sonning.

Reading Old Blues FC

Reading Old Blues FC, 3rd December 2004 at 12:50pm

Nick I didnt know you well, I just want to express my sadness and shock, its cruel what has happened to take one of the few good people in this world. My thoughts are with you. I only hope that your up there still smiling and keeping us all safe.
You will be greatly missed xxx

Rachel, 3rd December 2004 at 12:50pm

I first met Nick at work when I offered him a lift to Rob's 21st birthday party. In the car on the way home we got chatting and from that moment, he became one of the most important people in my life. I feel totally lost without his texts, hugs and kisses. He made me (and pretty much everyone else) feel so very special. He had a wonderful quality in that he listened to what you said and always knew the right thing to say at the right time.

We had such a laugh when we went to the Montfort for his birthday with some of the Sava friends and he, Rob and my mate Sharon, made my birthday in September the best ever - we all got very drunk on cocktails and spent the whole night dancing round each other. Can't believe I'm not going to see his cheeky face again, or that he wont be able to try and pinch my chocolate when we were next going to see Reading play.

Nick - such a shame I never got to see you in that fireman's outfit!! And I think you still owe me 195 kisses!!! Went to see Rob yesterday, darling and he is totally devastated, but between us, me and Sharon (and you from above) we will get him through this. You know how much he loved you - I told you often enough and I think you believed me eventually. Hope you know that I loved you too.

You never did tell me what was on your list - you know that you were top of mine.

Your driving was coming on so well - you would have passed your test - and I am pleased you took my advice for once!!!! Will miss you driving me round the car park at Sava.

Thank you for your texts - one in particular - and your phone calls, for talking, listening, laughing, crying, loving, dancing, hugging, kissing, for Freddie and for all the chocolate you bought me, but most of all, thank you for being you.

FF - u know what that means!!

Always there for you.

Roz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Roz Gray, 3rd December 2004 at 6:30am

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