Condolence Book

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Over a week has passed since you were taken from us and 6th form has not been the same since. With Christmas now approaching it feels strange you not being here to help with the decorations as i know how you and amy had planned the area that we sit in.
I look across to the other sofa expecting to see you sat there just like you were the last time i saw you.
I am sure that you were gutted you missed the ball as you were unable to dance with the girl that you have made so happy for the last few weeks.
I will miss seeing your smile, your politness and watching you play football in the freezing weather conditions with amy, which is what we did for the house matches.
One of the best memories i have is when sarah- jane and i sung our version of the 12 days of Christmas to you and amy, even though we only managed to get to the sixth or seventh day. I don't think that the three of us will be able to hear that song again without thinking of you.
My heart goes out to all of those who are sharing this pain and my love goes out to your family who are the nicest people i have had the priviledge of meeting.
You will be cherished in our hearts forever and always.
Sweet dreams

Maria, 2nd December 2004 at 12:53pm

R.I.P Nick, he was always kind and considered himself before others. He was a great sportsman and i know he will be missed by all those he ever played with. I'll miss looking out of my window and seeing him playing football in the streets. He was quiet, yet funny and always was everybodies friend. He'll never know how much he meant to people, because his life was tragically cut short. He'll forever be missed by all that knew him, and always be in my thoughts and prayers.
My deepest thoughts and respect goes out 2 all those who hav loved and cared 4 u!
Especially your parents, Mr and Mrs Moore and your sister Amelie who hav kept us all strong and who hav been an inspiration to all of us that hav had the pleasure to meet'll never be forgotten Nick.

Love Always,

Renita, 2nd December 2004 at 11:38am

Amelie, i am sending you my love and sympathy, i did not know Nick as many of the people who have left messages did, but i can clearly see that he was an amazing person in so many ways and will be greatly missed. I remember him as your sweet little brother from our time at wilson primary school, all those years ago with his notably wavy hair! My mum and I were shocked and saddened to hear of your loss and felt we would like to express our sympathy and admiration for your strength and forgiveness. I know you will never really lose your brother as he will be with you always in spirit.
Love Miranda and family x

Miranda, 2nd December 2004 at 11:37am

My Mum (Joyce) informed me of the sad loss of Nicholas on Tuesday evening and asked me to put a note on this web site. We first met Nicholas when he was only a baby, my mum use to be his childminder and has fond memories of him. We were all very shocked to hear the news and from reading the website can see that he grew up to be a very charming young man. Our thoughts are with you all. Love Joyce, Mick, Mandy & Luci. xx.

Joyce Mick Mandy & Luci Gardiner, 2nd December 2004 at 10:46am

I dont really know what to say here. I just wanna make sure that you know that even though in the last few months I didnt see you very much, i still considered (and do consider) you to be one of my closest friends! Dont ever leave us mate!!

Sheps XxxX

Mike Shepherd, 2nd December 2004 at 9:42am

I knew Nick from work. I remember I first met Nick when we out for his Birthday, we was playing pool and I cheated every game and he still thrashed me three times. Since then it was a pleasure to have known him, he was funny, always ready to listen and good to talk to. The news came as a great shock to me as I'm sure it did to everyone. He was a very popular guy, genuine and caring.
My condolences to Nick's family
Rest in Peace mate

James Lynch, 2nd December 2004 at 8:26am

There isn't much I can say that hasn't already been said. It was a pleasure to have known Nick and to have played football with such a talented young player. It is clear to see he will be greatly missed by all who were lucky enough to have known him.

My deepest condolences to Nick's family.

David Watkins, 2nd December 2004 at 6:48am

i knew nick from work and i started at sainsburys at the same time as him. at first i didnt talk to him when we were training but as were we both on checkouts i got to know him a little bit. he was very funny and a good mate. rest in peace. David.

David Day, 2nd December 2004 at 6:14am

I, like i know everybody else is, is finding this terrible loss hard to understand mate. I'm not sure how to cope with this and I know my mind will be elsewhere for the foreseeable future.
Reflecting back on the times spent knowing you have confirmed to me a friend like you were to me can never be replaced. these messages will let people who did not know you realise how caring you were for others, making sure that we were always happy and you would always be smiling around us; and this just reiterates it to them mate.
I quietly envied your natural academic and physical ability as I'm certain did a majority of people and spending all my time at school and majority of time outside school with you makes it so much harder.
Although I know you are with us in spirit, playing football, cricket, badminton and snooker will never be the same. Your commitment and dedication to everything meant you were better than me at most things which is what made me want to be around you even more- hoping some good fortune may rub back on me!
Every time I go on my bike I shall think of us both tearing around practically every road within a 15-mile radius enjoying the adrenaline rush as we took so many risks and had so many laughs together.
My favourite memories are hard to choose, from the thousands we experienced together but the first few that spring to mind are building our base in linear park together; playing together for theale tigers; spending time together camping in Devon on our 'cycling holiday'; playing doubles matches in badminton together; working together for C&N Gardening; having drinking sessions together...I'll stop there!
I want to thank you mate for making my life enjoyable and being such good company to be with. Your humour and smile was a light to this world and to know that you now know how many people cared about you takes away some of the pain I have never really encountered before and has helps me to look for the positives you brought about at this moment.
But most of all I am grateful for all the belief you had in me and the encouragement you gave me about football. It has kept me going at the game after having once lost enthusiasm for the sport and every time I play in your boots in the future I will put in as much effort as you always asked me to-110%.
I'm sorry your life down here had to end so soon but I know I'll have the chance to meet you again one day and will try to follow a few of the valuable steps you took in life as best I can for your sake mate.
Take it easy up there buddy,
Your good mate Chris.

chris maffey, 1st December 2004 at 2:52am

Hey Nick,
I am having difficulty understanding that you aren't around us anymore, sometimes it seems real and it hurts so much and other times I can't connect with the fact that I'm not gonna turn around and see you standing there in your football kit anymore. I am trying to focus on all the great times coz I know you wouldn't want us to be sad, and you are watching us all now, telling us to 'get on with it and play some football!'
It's weird to think that the next time I watch the boys playing football you won't be playing, although I know you'll be there in some way. It was only the other day that we were standing there shouting "Go Nick!" and I'm sure you just wanted to tell us to shut it! But then you got us back by skidding halfway across the pitch, spraying mud at us and nearly knocking about 10 of us over in the process. Then you got up and even though you couldn't see for the mud, all you were bothered about was apologising 100 times over for nearly skidding into us. Gentleman as always.
Anyway I could go on forever with the good things about you but I'd better save some for your book. I am already missing you so much, and trying to understand how it is fair that this could happen to one of the nicest guys in the world-still haven't worked that out. I am just trying to be thankful for knowing you as long as I have-and not focus on the fact that I won't be able to get to know you any better now.
My thoughts are with your family and everyone who feels sadness now, and I know that is an unbelievable amount of people. I am also thinking about Rob, and although I don't know you, I really do hope you make a full recovery very soon.
The huge amount of people this has affected just proves what an amazing guy you were, are and always will be, Nick. So don't forget it, and keep being as fantastic as you always have been.
See you around Nick, Love as always,
Sarah John xxxxx

sarah, 1st December 2004 at 11:40am

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