Condolence Book
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We were good mates at theale. we had some good laughs. r.i.p nick
— AARON DUNNE, 1st December 2004 at 8:05am
Nick was always a great friend at Wilson primary school to me and I also played for Theale FC last season with him.
Thats one less genuinly nice person in this world
R.I.P my friend, I wont forget you.
— Paul Alexander, 1st December 2004 at 4:59am
I too had the pleasure of stepping onto the same football and cricket pitch as Nick.
It just seems so unfair that someone so young should be stopped in the prime of their life and with the whole world at their feet.
Nick, it is a pleasure and an honour to have known you mate.
Take care
— James Kennealy, 1st December 2004 at 3:28am
I would like to offer my sincere condolences to Nicks family.
Nick has been a great part of the Old Blues team over the last couple of years and is someone that I will miss greatly. Week in week out Nick tantalised the opposition with his speed and agility......
If the club is ok, would be a great tribute to set up a Nick Moore "Man of Match" trophy that we could hand out each week. For someone that frequently got my vote, it would be a great way to remember Nicks contribution to the club.
— Paul Bland, 30th November 2004 at 10:11am
I am very shocked at what has happened to Nick. Nick was a very kind, laid back kinda guy. Anyone i saw him talk to he would have a laff with. I very rarely saw him in a bad mood! He has been so sadly missed by many of us. I will always have you in the back of my mind for the rest of my life!
Rest in Peace Nick and God Bless.
Take care
— Robert Callaway, 30th November 2004 at 3:09am
Nick, it is hard to realise that we will not see you again. It was an absolute pleasure to know you as a footballer and as a friend, and such a tragic waste of a life which was destined for greatness.
whatever you did you were good at it, and you did it with kindness, energy and enthusiasm. your positive outlook on life is something that i will remember you by. for someone so young you have touched the lives of so many, and will be greatly missed by all.
Life wont be the same without you mate
— Sam Jennings, 30th November 2004 at 2:19am
my heart goes out to Nick's family and his closest friends. i know he was a lovely person (also very good looking!) and will be greatly missed by many. no one deserved this especially Nick. I will miss seeing him ride to school in the mornings and seeing him at sava, he always had a smile on his face. you will always be in mine and many others hearts and thoughts. love always xXxXxX
— Anonymous, 30th November 2004 at 2:16am
I had the pleasure of playing football with Nick for the Reading Old Blues Football Club during the past two seasons. Words cannot adequately express my sadness for his family friends and at this time. Whilst I only knew Nick from Saturday afternoons spent playing football for the Old Blues he made a great impression and it seems appropriate to write down my memories and thoughts.
Nick was great company. We often shared conversations on Saturday afternoons prior to matches as the team gradually arrived. He spoke about his family, friends, studies and plans for the future with great warmth and enthusiasm. Nick also asked with genuine interest about my work and life beyond football. He was clearly a thoughtful and mature young person.
During games his pace and power was extraordinary. I was always relieved to see him running towards the opposition's goal and not our own! To his great credit, despite exceptional ability and success on the pitch he remained completely level headed and always approachable.
As a teacher at Reading Blue Coat School it has been my pleasure to teach and get to know many talented seventeen year-olds over the years. However, there will only ever be one Nick Moore.
— Mike Baker, 30th November 2004 at 12:28pm
I am left shocked and confused at the loss of a special friend although I feel lucky to have ever known Nick. Nick was the type of person that we didn't have to be doing anything at all but I just enjoyed his company. He was caring unselfish and nothing was too much to ask. I remember he used to wait for me after History so we could go to Biology or PE together...late! You couldn't rush Nick because whatever he did he had to give it his all. That included enjoying his life and living it to the full. I will always treasure the memories of our nights out, notably my 17th birthday.
Nick was also the most polite boy I have ever met, almost impossibly so, always so generous to everyone with his money and trying to buy my lunch every day even though I always brought my own money.
I remember our long conversations about football and swimming and even though we knew pretty much nothing about each other's sports we were both passionate. Many a time we would sit and drink red bull at school before a football match and I would wish him good luck although I knew he didn't need it because he was already so motivated and talented.
I didn't think before how many people Nick touched in his short life; he was a sociable person who loved being with his friends. I had never seen him happier than in the past few months in many ways. He loved working at savacentre and made a lot of friends who I know he enjoyed going out with a lot. He also loved organising house matches and was enthusiastically telling me all about his teams progress, this was the Nick I knew, always competitive when it came to sport and he was there for his team when they needed him.
He was also there for his friends through thick and thin, he has always been there for me and we could talk about anything. Many a time he was there when we both needed some last minute cramming for exams although im pretty sure we distracted each other far more. The day before our PE exam in the summer we played Golden eye on his Nintendo and ordered Pizza. Of course Nick got an A anyway because he was so much more organised and loved PE. I only did due to a great deal of late night cramming whereas he went to work at savacentre, C'est la vie Nick always filled his time to the max.
Nick always had such natural potential to do great things and it breaks my heart that we will never see what he could have done. I know he loved driving and was nearly ready to buy his first car, unsurprisingly he wanted to apply to do sports science at university. Most importantly he had just achieved something he had wanted so much for a long time by earning a place in the county football team and despite the fact that he was ever the modest gentleman I know that he was flourishing in his game. My thoughts will always be with Nick, he was not just my best friend but he contributed to so much to everybody's lives at Theale and there will always be a special part of my heart missing. I will never forget Nick.
— Claire Wightman, 30th November 2004 at 11:59am
Iv known Nick for what seems like forever even though we only first met 6 years ago. He was always there for me, and all of his friends. We are a very close group of friends so i know we wil help eachother through this, but things will never go back to normal and we will never stop loving him.
I want to send my love to Nick's family. There is nothing anybody can say to make it easier, but i hope that these messages of love help to show them how special he was to us.
i think at the moment everyone feels so cheated, why did he have to die so young? He had so much to live for. I will always be angry whenever i think about how he was snatched away from us at the prime of his youth. Now, we will always remember him as the young, gorgeous, charming 17 year old who would do anything for anyone. I'm thinkin of you every minute Nick. I miss you and can't wait to be with you again.
Sweet Dreams Angel
Rach x x x
— Rachel Greenwood, 30th November 2004 at 9:42am
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