Condolence Book
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I had the pleasure of playing football with Nick at Reading Old Blues, he is one of the best players i have ever played with. Sometimes it felt like he could win us gams all on his own. Off the pitch he was always smiling and nice to talk to. He will be sadly missed.
— Matt Walker, 30th November 2004 at 9:30am
Hello my cousin, receiving so sad news from you, since so a longtime, was a very big shock for me. I had no occasion to know you more, but reading your friends' letters allow me to discover your so amazing personnality. And it's rather comforting.
You certainly would have laughed for my poor english as usual, sorry i'm a poor french person...
I can just add you not only touch people in England.
Parce qu'un lien se crée entre deux enfants polissons, je ne t'oublierai jamais. Courage cousine, on arrive bientôt.
— Fanny, 30th November 2004 at 8:35am
I didn't know Nick personally but our family suffered a trajic loss this time last year and I would just like to offer condolences to Nick's family
God Bless
— Year 9 from Theale Green, 30th November 2004 at 8:04am
Over the last few months while nick has been working with at savacentre I became good friends with him as a colleague. We used to go out for drinks at the Montefort Pub with a load of other colleagues, including robert, he was so nice. I really could sit down and have a good chat to nick. He had a great personality and was bluddy good at pool.
At work he was great, he had a smile on his face and was always polite and friendly. We reguraly got him off the tills because he had such a good manner.
It is such a shame for us to lose such a brilliant person.
I'll miss you mate.
— James Stuart, 30th November 2004 at 7:53am
Well, how do you say goodbye to someone who was a truly amazing person in every way. Nick, your determination to succeed in everything you did was overwhelming, I will never understand how one person alone can put 110% into everything he did!
Life will never be the same without you, there is a space in everyone's hearts for you, now and forever.
You are a true gentleman, honest, caring and trustworthy, with BIG ambitions! You are a huge loss to everyone's lives you touched, and believe me, that is a LOT of people!
No one will ever come to terms with your loss Nick, but all we can do now is stay strong for one another and reflect on happy times with you - I know that's what you would have wanted.
To never see your face again will be the hardest thing to come to trms with - I don't think I ever will.
To see the loss in everyone's eyes at school is heartbreaking, you meant so much to each and every memer of 6th form.
I know that you are still with us, not in body, but in spirit, looking after us every step of the way. Helping us when we are down, pushing us when we need help, and smiling at us when we need cheering up.
Nick, you will live on through everyone that knows you, stay strong for all of us now, and carry on doing what you do best - playing football!!!!!
Missing you everyday,
See you again some day!
Kelly xx
— Kelly Banyard, 30th November 2004 at 7:11am
It is difficult to put into words the sadness I feel at the moment knowing that one of the brightest lights has been extinguished.
I knew Nick from playing football with Reading Old Blues FC and although we only knew each other for a year and a half, it felt like I had known him a lot longer.
He had everything going for him and I am sure that he could have been anything that he wanted to be in life - he was sporty, intelligent and had a personality that most people would love to have. He was amazingly mature for his age and this is a credit to his family.
It was just a couple of weeks ago that we were talking about the different choices he had in terms of going to university and I am sure that he would have been able to have picked from any one of the top universities and any one of these would have been a better place for having Nick.
This is a terrible tragedy and one which we all will never actually get over. The only thing I can say is that it never gets easier to understand why such a thing has happened but you find better ways of coping with such a tragic loss.
I will do all I can to make sure that Nick's memory will live on.................. take care Nick, I will miss you greatly.
— Andy Ward, 30th November 2004 at 5:45am
To Nick,
Nearly a week has passed and you still occupy all my thoughts and dreams. I don't believe I will ever meet a guy who is as charming and made me laugh as much as you did. I have so many fond memories of stupid stuff that we did like me making you dress up as an ugly sister for Scott House assembly and asking you say the silliest things. Always up for anything you agreed without question and even managed to make that hideous red wig look sexy.
Our time down Pangbourne River in the summer was also incredible, not only excellent at football you also excelled at extreme frisbee and were so patient with us girls who were absolutely rubbish and kept throwing the disk behind us and into the river. I'll always laugh at you and Tom laid on the bank with a stick trying to fish the frisbee out for about the millionth time- always the gentleman.
And then there was your dancing, quite possibly the funkiest little mover in our year I loved jiving crazily with you at parties. I know how much you were looking forward to dressing up as a tart for my tarts and vicars party and I know you would have looked fantastic in a mini skirt! Although you cannot be there in body I know you will be there in our hearts, cheering us up with your contagious and cheeky spirit.
You have been a fantastic friend to me. Thank you for helping me so much with Scott House. Thank you for the memories you have given me. Thank you for your constant smiling. Thank you for making my best friend feel so happy; I'll never ever forget the way she shone when she spoke about you.
Wherever you are, those with you will be blessed
I can't imagine life without you. It was a pleasure knowing you.
One day we'll meet again.
Watch over us
Love Always
— Jenny Fuller, 30th November 2004 at 5:33am
In memory of, and as a tribute to Nick there will be a minutes silence before our game against Hurst on Saturday. We would be pleased to see any family, friends and colleagues who would like to join us on Saturday. We play at Reading Bluecoat School, Sonning Lane, Sonning and will be kicking off at 2pm. (If attending please park in the School car park)
After the match you are also welcome to join us at Sonning Working Mens Club, Pearson Road, Sonning.
— READING OLD BLUES FOOTBALL CLUB, 30th November 2004 at 5:17am
Nick, writing this message is the most difficult thing I have ever had to do yet it is also one of the most rewarding.
You taught all of those around you that if you apply yourself then you can achieve yet this was done with great charm and charisma.
Both as a friend and as a colleague it was clear to see you were gifted both academically and within the sporting arena and you knew not the meaning of second best.
I hope that your family are able to take great warmth from the happiness you brought to others and they are able to move forward with the memories that you brought them.
Your saddenned colleague,
— Scott Allaway, 30th November 2004 at 3:33am
I am a past chairman of Reading Old Blues Football Club and watch most games on a saturday afternoon. When Nick first joined the club in 2003 I was amazed at the quality of player we had aquired. He would be up on his toes running at the opposition defence weaving in and out leaving many a defender on his backside he also had the rare ability and confidence to produce the spectacular. Many opponents resorted to kicking Nick to stop him or at least to slow him up, a complement in itself. He was however a great team player, always looking to bring other teabmates into the game. Off the field Nick was a charming young man, exceedingly mature for his age and a credit to his family. Nick is someone who Reading Old Blues Football Club are very proud to have had as a member both on and off the pitch. My thoughts are with Nicks Family and his many friends at this very sad time.
— Duncan Walker, 30th November 2004 at 3:12am
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