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For Nick.........


Anonymous, 30th November 2004 at 2:56am

I didn't know Nick but I would like to send my deepest sympathies to Nicks family and friends! xx

L, 30th November 2004 at 2:26am

What can i say? It's only been six days and already i feel as if there is a huge gap missing in my life. Nick was, to me, the most amazing, talented, beautiful person to have ever been in my life. His smile brightened up my days.

Most people know by now that Nick and I were to go to the Christmas Ball together since we have been getting very close recently. I just know that we would have been together after that as we were both SO excited. Nick made me happier than i have ever been. I can now only imagine our future but i'm sure it would have been fantastic.

I cannot begin to understand why this has happened and am absolutely empty inside. I can only hope now that this just makes us all stronger because no-one will ever forget him and so he will brighten our lives forever.

My thoughts are with everyone who this has affected.

Nick, you know exactly how i feel about you. I miss you so much it hurts and i can't imagine never being able to hug you again. Please stay with me and carry on doing what you love up there.

I cannot wait to see you again because now at least i will always have something to look forward to.

You will be in my thoughts, my life, my heart and my dreams forever.

Love you lots,
Amy xXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXx

Amy, 30th November 2004 at 1:58am

Even though i avnt know Nick for very long he ws 1 of da greatest people you could ever wish 2 meet. He ws always smilin no matter wat. i jus want to thank his family for bringin him up the way they did coz u couldnt av done a better job. u r goin 2 be greatly missed for the 1st 11 team especially by me as u were a great strike partner and next time i score i will jus point 2 u in heaven n know u av gone 2 a better place.
rest in peace Nick
i know u will never be forgotten by any1 who knew u.

Olly Guest, 29th November 2004 at 11:21am

Nick, I am blessed to have shared the football field with you, and to have shared life with you.

Gary Phillips, 29th November 2004 at 3:52am

There's one more angel in heaven
There's one more star in the sky
Nick, we will never forget you
It's tough but we're gonna get by
There's one spare seat in our classes
There's one more tear in our eye
Nick, the things that you stood for
Will always stay in our minds

Anonymous, 29th November 2004 at 2:06am

They say that it always happens to the best people, and that really is true. From wat I knew of Nick, he was a genuinly great guy. I kno myself and others will remember him forever. His great legs brought much delight to my days!
Rest In Peace Nick
All my love and thoughts x

Sheaian, 29th November 2004 at 1:46am

I'm a team mate of Nick's at Reading Old Blues and I'm currently travelling around New Zealand. When I heard about the tragic incident I was shocked. There are no words to describe the feelings and my heart goes out to Nicks family and friends. I have only fond memories of Nick. He was superb, a fanatstic footballer with all the ability in the world. I played down the left with him on a few occasions and he certainly made my job easier! He was a tremendous person off the field as well - always smiling and laughing and nothing ever got him down. He will be sorely missed, both as a player and as a friend.

Martin Smith, 29th November 2004 at 1:43am

As like everyone I was completely and utterly shocked when I heard the news. Simple words cannot explain how much you meant to everyone who met you. I realise now how much of generous kind - hearted guy you were and I honestly can't remember seeing you frown or even in a bad mood. Many people, my self included could a lot learn from your good nature.

Monday mornings was great for me as I could talk to you in all my frees about how Chelsea did at the weekend. I know you constantly listened to my complaining or praise for hours on end but it was always great to speak to a fellow Chelsea fan. Last year especially when every free (in the days when they were called frees and not study periods) we walked down the village buying bacon rolls, cakes or woteva was on offer and as usual we talked about Chelsea as we went.

I think everybody was in awe of your dedication to sport especially football. I think it was in yr 10 when playing football.. Whenever you got the ball I was determined to get into the box as I knew you would find me with your cross, we seemed to have a system going. And if I got the goal (less than likely) we would call it "Chelsea class"

Anyway, sixth form wont be the same without you and even in 30 years time I will look back and think how much you meant to me and everyone you met. You were a fantastic person and I only wish I could have the same kind - heated nature that you possessed. The world would be a better place if we all acted like you.

Make sure you rest your leg and watch all the games.... Ill c you up front whenever I watch Chelsea coz I know you could have made it that far.

Love as always and God Bless


Ps I have written to Chelsea...hopefully they will dedicate something to you, a signed picture or something.. if not ill break into the dressing room and tell those guys who you were!!!!

Pps your last words to me were "bloody Bolton" as they had come back to draw 2 -2 with Chelsea, cheeky as always but a laugh at the same time.

Jamie Sheehan, 29th November 2004 at 1:16am

for nick: although i had only known you for about three years you were the greatest mate to me! u were there for me when i needed you and u made me smile so much. i shall never forget you hugs and ure texts. ure face will remain in my memory n i shall cherish the pictures of u that i have. i miss you so much, i love u in peace....ure safe now.

Ema Rooney, 29th November 2004 at 12:55pm

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