Condolence Book
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Just wanted to leave a message to send my deepest sympathies to Nick's family. Nobody deserves this to happen to them, especially when Nick was so young and obviously had a bright future ahead of him. Although I didn't know Nick, my brother did and was quite hard hit, it's such a sad tragedy. My thoughts are with you all, and especially with Amelie - I hope you are keeping ok. I can't imagine what you are going through right now.
Sarah xxx
— Sarah, 29th November 2004 at 9:43am
I knew Nick from school and even though I didnt know him very well, when i did talk to him i knew that he was such a gentleman, so kind and considerate towards everyone. I also knew that he was so sporty and was a real inspiration to my brother as my brother was so amazed by his skills! Nick was such a popular guy especially with the girls and everyones memories of him are so special-he had no enemies. My thoughts go out to his family and all those who also loved and cared for him.R.I.P Nick and God bless. Take care of yourself up there! tasha -x-x-x-x-x-
— Tasha, 29th November 2004 at 9:30am
I played footy with Nick for Reading Old Blues, and i must say he was one of the best footballers i have ever played alongside - he was quick, skillfull and set up a majority of my goals. To say we'll miss Nick is an understatement, i know it shocked us all here in the team and we'll make sure we'll win that league for him. He was a lovely bloke off the pitch too, very thoughtful and always having a laugh/joke - that'll be missed. Our hearts go out to Nicks family, we're all here for you!
— Ian Pulfer, 29th November 2004 at 9:19am
seems so unreal. even tho i didnt no you for very long it seems i have known you all of my life! i remember you shakin my hand the first time we met, a time ill never forget. R.I.P always remembered x
— Daniel Aylmer, 29th November 2004 at 9:02am
I know nick from school. He was in my year. I just wanted to say that he was such a nice person and charming. He would always make you laugh no matter what. Nick was loved by everyone, no-one disliked him. Im going to miss you so much Nick. Rest In Peace.
— Michelle Stevens, 29th November 2004 at 8:50am
I have already been in touch with Amelie to send her my thoughts and love for her and her family after such a horrible thing.I went to school with Amelie + she doesnt deserve something like this to happen to her, and i worked with Rob in sava for a while so its kinda hit me for both of the guys.
My thoughts are with all those hurt by this dreadful incident, Nick , Rob , family and friends of them both.
— Louise, 29th November 2004 at 8:48am
I knew Nick from playing football at Reading Old Blues and he was one of the most genuine and nicest people I have ever met. He was also one of the best footballers I have played with, he had loads of talent and I can't believe the next time the team line-up Nick won't be there. He always seemed to be in a good mood and it rubbed off on others. He will be sorely missed.
— Ian Griffiths, 29th November 2004 at 8:36am
I can't say i knew Nick that well but i do know how much he touched peoples lives. When i was told about his death it turned me cold, the person on the other end of the phone was in tears. (no names mentioned) No one deserves to die this young.
I will never forget you serving me and my mum in Sava. She said you where a lovely boy, very helpful!
I also want to say get well soon Robert, and my thoughts are with both of the families.
— Kelly Henwood, 29th November 2004 at 8:32am
I didnt know Nick but im from theale green and i cant imagine anything worse for kids to go thu not only dealing with growing up and exmas we have to deal with loosin such a great person who had so much to offer to the world.
you will be missed Nick
— Anonymous, 29th November 2004 at 8:27am
Just to send my deepest regards to Nick's family,
Stephanie (sainsburys)
— Stephanie Dibble, 29th November 2004 at 8:20am
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