Condolence Book

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Another year has passed Nick. The missing you continues for your family. Life goes on but you are as much a part of your family as you ever were, loved & remembered every minute of every day xxxx

Yvonne, 23rd November 2013 at 7:28pm

On pense à toi très fort, Nicho, notre grand garçon, et aussi à Granny - 1 an que vous êtes ensemble, là-bas ...

Much much love, as always.

Papa et Maman ♥xxx♥

Mum & Dad, 11th August 2013 at 5:17pm

As always, on pense à toi plus que jamais en ce jour de Noël, cher Nicho.

Much love from us all,

Papa, Maman, et toute la famille ♥xxx♥

Mum & Dad, 25th December 2012 at 5:23pm

Thinking of you all

Mark, 25th November 2012 at 12:54pm

Another year has passed... can't believe it's already 8 of them since we lost you but you have been in our hearts and thoughts every single day since.

As always, many thanks to friends for their texts and e-mails of support. No way are you forgotten, Nicho dear!

Nous pensons beaucoup à toi, surtout aujourd'hui bien sûr.

With much much love,

Papa et Maman ♥♥

Mum And Dad, 24th November 2012 at 6:51pm

25 years ago today you came into our lives. Seems like a long time now, and how lucky we were to have you to complete our little family.

Today, your English Granny joined you, early this morning. You will take good care of her, won't you. But then we have no doubt that you will!

We were a bit late visiting Pangbourne Hill today. You had had some visitors, which always touches us greatly. Many thanks to all of you who continue to remember Nick with affection.

Avec toi de tout coeur, Nicho, pour ton jour anniversaire.

Papa et Maman

Mum & Dad, 11th August 2012 at 11:40pm

Don't know why, but Nick came into my thoughts today. Nearly eight years have gone by, but I remember what a very special young man you he was.

Keith - Reading Old Blues Fc, 10th July 2012 at 2:33pm

Amélie and Alex's baby was born today at lunch time. He is little Daniel, just over 7 lbs in weight.

We are yet to meet him, but we know you would have made a super uncle to a small boy.

Missing you as always,

Maman et Papa

Mum And Dad, 2nd June 2012 at 7:19pm

It's SO nice to be together, reunited with Amélie and Alex for Christmas! So glad they could make it "down south" to be with us. But we are one short - we still miss you so much, Nicho, although you are definitely here, in our hearts.

With much love,

Papa et Maman

Mum And Dad, 24th December 2011 at 7:15pm

Wow, so something pretty similar just happened to my boyfriend sister at her school, just staggers how seven years ago we were all feeling exactly what they feel now. Just as I was thinking about it my music shifted to biffy clyro - folding stars, I only noticed when the lyric "it's not getting easier" kicked it, and I still don't understand, and really it's not getting easier, to comprehend how this could happen to someone so lovely. You will honestly never be forgotten! X

Jaymi, 29th November 2011 at 5:23pm

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