Condolence Book

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It may be six years today, but our thoughts and love for you, Nicho, are as strong as ever. Your friends and family are not forgetting you and still miss you and your fantastic joie de vivre.

With much much love,

Papa et Maman

Mum and Dad, 24th November 2010 at 8:16pm

Thinking of you all today

Mark Naomi Joy & Felix, 24th November 2010 at 2:13am

It is so nice to read some new messages on this page - thank you Rachel and 'anon'. As you say, it is heartwarming for us to know that our lovely Nick is still being thought of fondly. Life needs to move on, but it's great to know that Nicholas is not forgotten.

Thank you.

Annie and Maurice

Nick's Mum and Dad, 31st October 2010 at 8:48pm

I met nick when he was doing work experience at theale green lesiure centre.Thinking back this must have been late 2002 or early 2003. He was a pleasure to work with and i really looked forward to him coming to work. He made me laugh alot and we spent hours on the trampolines there.I felt that we developed a friendship during this short time and was devestated when i was told of his death in 2004.A great loss for this earth but a great gain for the place hes now gone. I wanted to write on here as i think its important for yourselves to know that people such as myself have not forgotten your brother/son and never will. Such a great person who made an impact on everyone he met

Anon, 15th September 2010 at 5:57am

We still remember
My love goes out to the family and close friends of Nick who had the pleasure of knowing him better than me. xxx

Rachel, 30th August 2010 at 11:05pm

Thinking of you in a big way on what would have been your 23rd birthday, Nicho. We still miss you very much of course, but love you just as much as always.

Gros bisous, mon grand.

Maman et Papa

Mum and Dad, 11th August 2010 at 8:42pm

Comme tu dois savoir, Nicho, Mamie nous a quitté hier matin. Elle nous a dit qu'elle avait hâte de se retrouver avec Pépé et toi. Nous savons que tu vas bien t'occuper d'elle et elle auras beaucoup de choses à te raconter.... We miss you all.

Papa et Maman

Papa et Maman, 27th May 2010 at 2:48am

Thinking of you on my birthday, Nicho. Missing you.

With much love,


Mum, 3rd May 2010 at 10:06pm

On pense beaucoup à toi, Nicho, en cette période de fêtes, une nouvelle année qui commence, et de retour de voir Mamie, qui ne va pas très bien.

Les choses changent, la vie continue, tu nous manques toujours mais nous pensons à toi positivement and with much much love.


Mum and Dad, 3rd January 2010 at 8:47pm

Hi Nick, you are an incredible young man. My heart goes out to you, your parents and sister, and all those who knew and loved you. Wherever you are, I hope you are still doing what you love. Take care. xxx

Bn, 24th November 2009 at 10:41pm

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